Le treccie morbide laterali sono e saranno un grande must della stagione estiva. 5 minuti dopo la sfilata AI 2010 di Alexander Wang, dove il geniale hair stylist Guido Palau ha reintrodotto l'acconciatura, tutti, insiders, fashion victims, professionisti del settore, sfoggiavano eleganti treccie appoggiate morbidamente sulla spalla.
Personalmente é un trend che mi piace molto. La trovo un'acconciatura semplice ma ricercata che aggiunge un tocco in più anche al più semplice degli outfit.
Come quello della graziosa ragazza di questo post: una leggera camicetta a fantasia liberty, skinny tendenti al grigio cenere e booties in pelle nera, un po' rock, che correggono alla perfezione l'insieme evitando l'effetto "scolaretta" .
Side braids are and will be one of the trend for hairstyle this summer. 5 minutes after the SS 2010 Alexander Wang's fashion show, where the hair stylist Guido Palau reintroduced the braided hairstyle, everyone, models, fashion victims, insiders, was exhibiting a soft side braid on their shoulder.
In my opinion, this is a pretty hairstyle, versatile but elegant. It adds a smart touch to an everyday outfit.
Like the one of this girl.
The outfit is pretty simple, made up of a Liberty pattern shirt, grey skinny jeans and black rock booties, but the braid adds the je-ne-sais-quoi that makes the look special.
16 commenti:
I love side braids wearing it on my blog now, actually. :)
Great post.
Just discovered your blog, it's really great to see some Italian style! I want to go to Italy now...
Also good to find another law student obsessed with fashion ;)
Great post, will be following!
K xx
baeutiful rings.
Nicola Freshonpr
street style blog???
or is that u??
comment back!!
love the photos!! and her shirt!
You have a great blog. It's very interesting.fake handbag
side braids are the best! wish my hair was just a little bit longer so i could wear one! adorable shots xx
I love the shirt! xx
Hi Valentina ! Valentine here ! I saw your comment on Betty's blog, and I've decided to talk to all the Valentine/Valentina.. So, let's talk ! :)
I'm in love with your way to take photos, with your photos, actually !
Valentine (french Valentine..)
she is so stylish! i love this look! :)
Very pretty shirt!! I love your style!! xoxoxoxoo
I really love your blog!!! I just found it today. I went to school in Padova for a semester, it was a really nice place to live. One question though - how do I follow your blog? Let me know --
love the floral shirt!! you look cool
come follow the first ever fashion blog from a Guys POV, let He know what you think
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh LOVEEEEEEEEEE!!:):)
i love braids!! side braids especially - fish tail, definitely ;)
I saw that you commented on the most recent post at Alice Point and thought you might be interested in my post where I did a DIY body chain: http://www.fvncy.com/2010/06/tied-up.html
Great mix of sweet and edgy !!
Lovely blog :)
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